Your safe space to learn about self defence, violence prevention and personal safety

It's ok to have fears. Being wary of violence doesn't make you any less of a man. In fact, it takes a stronger man to walk away than it does to fight.

Statistics show that most men have experienced violence in their lives - and you may be one of them.

Violence comes in many forms. More often we hear about social violence, alcohol-fuelled punch ups and road rage. However, what isn't talked about is men who experience sexual assault, rape, abuse, stalking and domestic violence.

Taking the time to learn about self defence of the body and the mind will give you the knowledge and the power to avoid all forms of violence.

This course is for you if:

  1. You want to learn simple and effective physical self defence techniques that anyone of any ability can use
  2. You want to know how to de-escalate dangerous or potentially violent situations
  3. You want to avoid threats and keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

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Dene Josham, Celebrity Bodyguard, red carpet

Your course instructor

Dene Josham's background includes 20 years as a bodyguard to celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Russell Crowe (pictured here), plus time spent working in private security in some of the world's most dangerous environments, including Iraq, Nigeria, Tunisia and Libya.

In his younger years, Dene joined the Royal Marines and trained in Kung Fu, Thai Boxing, Jiu Jitsu and a mixture of other martial arts.

"What has remained consistent throughout my career is the urge to protect people from harm. I know now that this stems back to childhood bullying and for the past 10 years I've been teaching self defence to corporates, students and private individuals so other people don't experience pain like I did.

I hope this training is beneficial to you and can prevent you from experiencing the trauma of an attack. Everyone has the right to feel safe and protect themselves from physical and emotional harm."

Dene Josham


  1 - What is self defence and why men need it
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2 - Understanding attackers and the reality of violence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3 - Understanding human behaviour, your mind and body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4 - How to become a hard target and avoid danger
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5 - How to respond physically and the pre-emptive strike
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6 - Bonus content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7 - Next steps and free private Zoom with Dene
Available in days
days after you enroll


"Expert insights, high value skills and advice shared in a calm, coherent, friendly and memorable session. Thank you Dene

Mr A.B

Man alone behind

Frequently asked questions?

What if I’ve never done any self defence training before?

No problem! This course is intended for total beginners. You do not need any prior knowledge of self defence.

I already have training in martial arts or boxing, will I learn anything new?

Absolutely! We do not teach punching, kicking or martial arts. Most of what we teach is about psychology, awareness and advice on how to stay safe. The physical self defence moves we teach are based on special forces techniques.

Is the training mostly physical?

No. The majority of our training is psychological. We believe that self defence is 95% awareness and avoidance. Our goal is that through the education and advice we provide, you will not find yourself in a dangerous situation because you can avoid it as much as possible.

Physical training is part of the course, and you can learn the self defence skills simply by watching the demonstrations. We also recommend that you practice them with someone - but carefully and in slow time without force.

Is the course only for males?

The course has been created for men but people of any gender can watch it and learn from it.

We also have a self defence for women course.

What age of student is this course for?

This course is suitable for anyone over the age of 16.

Teenagers may watch this course with parental guidance - please be aware that there are some real-life attack videos which may be distressing for teens. Use your own judgement for your child.

How long do I have access to the course?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as we continue to run it.

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and ends when you are ready. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. And, you can go back on and refresh your knowledge whenever you want.

Can I take this entire course in one day?

You can! BUT, we recommend completing it in small pieces so that you can reflect on what you have learnt.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we'll be glad to have a conversation with you about it.

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“Surprised at how much more empowered I feel after just 3 hours! Thank you."

"This was so good and informative. I feel like it has completely changed my perspective in such a positive way. I used to disassociate from violence based on past experience but sitting in this session has challenged me to face the truth, which I think could be more empowering in the long run. Thank you!"

Self defence instructor and class